Sometimes toothaches have the worst timing. If you’re experiencing dental discomfort on a holiday, you’re not alone. Weekends and holidays seem to be especially popular timing for problems to suddenly pop up in people’s teeth. Here’s what to do if your tooth hurts on a holiday so that you can get back to enjoying the festivities as soon as possible.

Call Your Dentist

The first step to take if your tooth hurts on a holiday is to call your dentist right away. Teeth shouldn’t hurt. If a tooth is sending pain signals, it means that the tooth thinks it’s in danger and needs to be examined, so it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible. If your dentist’s office isn’t open for the holiday, go ahead and leave a voicemail message so that they can get to it right when they get back to the office. If you’re experiencing severe discomfort, they may also have an emergency number you can call. Don’t be afraid to use it when you need to!

Managing the Ache

If your tooth hurts right now you’re probably wondering what to do to feel better until you can get to your dentist’s office. Here are some suggestions:

Over-the-counter pain medications can help a lot while you wait to find out what’s going on. Make sure to check with your doctor first before taking any medication and only take the recommended amount. If it’s not helping and the toothache feels unbearable, it’s probably time to use your dentist’s emergency number.

An ice pack applied to your face or jaw outside of where the pain is located may also help to lessen some of the discomfort. Do not apply ice directly to a tooth as that can cause increased sensitivity and worsen the toothache, especially if your tooth is suffering from a cavity or other issue that has caused the nerves inside the tooth to be inflamed or exposed.

A salt water rinse is also a natural and very useful option to help soothe dental discomfort. Salt water has healing and antiseptic properties, which is why it’s recommended as an at-home aftercare step to aid in recovery after many dental procedures. Simply mix ½ teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and swish in your mouth for several seconds, then spit it out. Try to use water that is as close to your body temperature as possible to avoid causing sensitivity issues with the affected tooth.

Seeing Your Dentist

If you’ve tried these options and your tooth is feeling better, that’s great! Don’t cancel your dental appointment just yet, though. If your tooth hurts on a holiday, then feels better when your dentist calls back, it can still be a sign of something serious and it’s a good idea to see your dentist as soon as possible to get things checked out. Sometimes the symptoms of dental discomfort come and go, although the underlying issue is still there, so it’s important to find out what’s going on and make sure it’s treated properly so that it doesn’t progress or bother you again on the next holiday!

Call our Gilbert Dental Office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.