The question is bound to be asked when you’re sitting in the dentist’s chair. “Have you been flossing regularly?” At this point, a few things could happen. Ideally, you’ll hold your head high and confidently give an affirmative response. The other possibilities are a shaky “yes, for the most part,” which will produce a doubtful look on your dentist’s face, or the defeated “no” which is actually pretty common.
If you opt for the shaky affirmative, you should be aware that your mouth will speak the truth regardless of what you say. Here are the key ways in which your dentist will know without having to really ask whether or not you’ve used your dental floss as often and as thoroughly as you should:

    • Plaque buildup

Even if you brush regularly with the best electric toothbrush on the market, you’re still going to have buildup between your teeth. The only way to get rid of the buildup is to use floss or a water floss.

    • Inflamed gums

Our mouths are constantly filled with bacteria, some of which are beneficial. When you don’t floss, the not-so-beneficial bacteria increase in numbers. Your body responds with an immune response in the form of inflammation in an attempt to destroy the bacteria.

    • Bleeding gums

Every time you visit your dentist, your gums will be probed to check their health. If the probe causes bleeding, they know your gums are not getting the care they need.

    • Halitosis

This is, by the way, how your significant other can also tell that you haven’t been flossing. If food particles are not removed from between your teeth, they begin to decay right where they are, giving your breath that signature mustard gas effect.
Flossing every day is an integral part of a good oral care regimen. Although the effects of not flossing may not be immediately evident, they will be someday, and they could be devastating. Be sure to brush and floss every day so that next time you see the dentist, you can give the confident “yes!” when you hear the inevitable question.